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Home  >  Products  >  Crustaceans > Red Argentine Shrimp

Red Argentine Shrimp

Commercial Name Red Argentine Shrimp
Scientific Name Pleoticus muelleri
Country of Origin Argentina
Catch Area Argentine Sea, Zone Fao 41 Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Season Mar-Apr-May-Jun-Jul-Aug-Sep-Oct
Catch Method Booms
Processing Whole – Tails – Peeled with vein and deveined – Tail on – EZ Peel

Crustaceans Category Products

Charlie Tango is a trading company, formed in 2005 that is dedicated to the commercialization of food products, mainly fish. 

More Information

Av. Rivadavia 764,
Buenos Aires,

Phone: (+5411) 4342-0605
Direct:    (+5411) 5235-2143


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